Monday 2 January 2012

Life is a Musical

Never did I think when I got cast as the lead in Redundancy The Musical that I would actually be made redundant.  So my New Year’s resolution is to gain employment in ‘Happily Married with Kids The Musical’, and ‘Really Exciting Acting Job, Never Have to Temp Again The Musical’…in fact even ‘Dating The Musical’ would suffice for now!

Yes the days of cold calling green accommodations throughout the UK are behind me…as apparently are the days of paid work.

I recently went for an audition for a huge event that is happening this year.  I am unable to say anything about it apart from the fact that I got recalled…”Excellent!” I hear you cry.  Yes, excellent, yes indeed for a…hip hop class. 

Now for those of you who do not know me, there is nothing in first meeting with me that might lead you to believe I was hiding any such hidden moves…but someone in the Events Team thought they saw hip hop spirit within me.  And I will discover in about two weeks if it is indeed anywhere near me!  At my recall I was sporadically placed between the two best dancers of the 200 present; a hot, tall, black teenager and a cutesey elfin Irish girl; both of whom had the moves like they’d choreographed the whole routine.  I feel I may be watching both my new friends from the comfort of my living room but time will tell. 

And yes the delay in writing for a while was because the unknown actress started making contacts – hurrah!  A lot of them unpaying contacts but hey you’ve got to start somewhere! Oh yes, hang on, I did…seven years ago!  But anyway a comedy night, a musical, a trip to act in Israel and Palestine and a chance to be involved in that huge event that’s happening this summer all happened over a couple of months so long may that continue.

Here ends a brief intro to the New Year from the Unknown Actress so…
Happy New Year of Olympic proportions…may everything bloom apart from our waistlines!...unless you’re pregnant, in which case congratulations!

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